We're here to help! Geospatial@UCSF offers basic support to help researchers, students, or staff get started with GIS, and when possible, provide focused assistance or consultation involving geosptial technology.
The Geospatial@UCSF Microsoft Team is available to anyone at UCSF for geospatial questions or support. It's an open team, no invite is required.
For any GIS question or inquiry the Geospatial@UCSF MS Team is the best, and preferred, place to start. Simply tag your post by typing "@tech-support" to alert the team you have a question.
Join the Geospatial@UCSF MS Team
Also, consider searching the team posts for possible answers asked by other users.
If the question or inquiry requires additional time or resources beyond the basic support, then we may initiate a formal support request.
Please note, the Geospatial@UCSF staff are the only authorized users to contact Esri support. If the issue requires it, then we will initiate the ticket with Esri and add you as the primary contact.
Geospatial @ UCSF Support Services
The following are services you can request:
- Licensing for products (new or renewals), software files, or named-user accounts
- Technical Support (Limited): Software troubleshooting, installation issues, ArcGIS Online issues)
- Workflow Support (LImited): Specific workflows such as geocoding, data conversion, map design, etc.)
- Department/Group presentation or demonstration of basic GIS concepts or Esri products.
- GIS Services
- Aquiring or curating new software or datasets